Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 13: to Hornillos

The first day of bad weather - not bad really for day 13 in March! Leaving Burgos we sadly said goodbye to Naill who's heading home for a wedding in a couple of days, and may or may not be back out to walk the remainder of the camino in the autumn.

The walk out of Burgos was less painful that the way in but not scintillating. It also involved a crazy 2km circular detour in order to cross over a large-ish road. EU money well spent.

After a couple of hours we hit the start of the meseta, the high downland that is to be our unremitting landscape for several days now. Only problem was that the rain also started, in earnest. While satisfying on the one hand (finally used every last piece of kit I am carrying - thanks Dad the hat is awesome) - it was also a bit unrewarding in terms of view and general dreariness.

Civilisation, ie an open bar, came just in time for lunch and a drying-off. After which Gary took an executive decision to stay here, and I was (I am slightly ashamed to admit) persuaded mostly because the loud Italian girl was also in the bar and told us she was not staying here but walking on to the next albergue.

Cue a very steamy afternoon in a densely packed kitchen with a raging wood burner and the cumulative wet kit and washed socks of a dozen friendly pilgrims. Including a crazy Korean priest who has just insisted the albergue owner open up the church so he (the Korean) can say mass. 

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